The aim of this course is to furnish students with the knowledge and the ability to critically appreciate the texts included in the KBSM Literature Component. It is hoped that a thorough understanding of the principles of literary appreciation and criticism will enable them successfully translate the National Education Philosophy into classroom practice. The texts used in the course are chosen from the literary texts nominated by the Ministry of Education Malaysia.


By the end of the course students should:

1.      have a general understanding of the content and issues in all the texts offered in the Literature in English component syllabus

2.      Be able to use language based strategies, stylistics, reader response strategies and cultural strategies in interpreting the content of the literary texts  

3.      Know and identify the different literature syllabi in the Malaysian secondary school curriculum

4.      Present an as aspect of an assigned literary text creatively to demonstrate creative and critical thinking abilities



Short  Stories


The Pencil*

How Dalat Got its Name*

Of Bunga Telur and Bally Shoes

The Drovers Wife*

Looking for Rain God

The Lotus Eater

The Necklace

The Sound Machine

Ali majod

Heidi Munan

Che Husna Azhari

Henry Lawson

Bessie Head

Somerset Maugham

Guy de Maupassant

Roald Dahl



Potato People (abridged)

Robinson Crusoe (abridged)

Phantom of the Opera (abridged)

The Prisoner of  Zenda (abridged)

Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde (abridged)

Jungle of Hope

The Return

The Pearl




Angela Wright

Daniel Defoe

Gasion Leroux

Anthony Hope Hawkins


Keris Mas


John Steinbeck




If *

The Road not Taken*

Monsoon History*

Sonnet 18*

Si Tenggang’s Homecoming*

There’s been a death in the house opposite*

Life’s Brief Candle*

The Dead Crow*

The lake Isle of Innisfree*




Rudyard Kipling

Robert Frost

Shirly Lim

William Shakespeare

Muhammed  Haji Salleh

Emily Dickinson


William Shakespeare

A.Samad Said





Reference Materials:

  1. Literature in the Language Classroom: A Resource Book of Ideas and Activities (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)

           Joanne Collie, Stephen Slater (2000)

  1. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (10th Edition) (Kennedy/Gioia Literature Series) by X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia 2006
  2. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing Compact (4th Edition) by Edgar V. Roberts (Paperback - Nov 12, 2007)
  3. Carter,R and M.Long 1991. Teaching Literature : Hong Kong : Longman
  4. Carter, R 1998 Working with texts. London: Routledge
  5. Carter, R and McRae. (eds) 1996. Language. literature and the learner: Creative classroom practice. London: Longman
  6. McRae, J. 1991 Literature with a small ‘l’. Hong Kong: Macmillan
  7. Singleton, M and Luckhurst, M. 1999. The creative writing handbook. London: Macmillan.
  1. Assignment One  (Personal, Reader Response) Individual Essay             -    15%
  2. Web Forum (3 forum discussions)                                                           -       5%
  3. Web Based Literature Activities                                                                     20%                                                                                                        
  4. Creative Project- Creative Interpretation of text/Micro Teaching                    20%

       5. Final Examination                                                                                        40%                          






National Policy on English Literature Ministry of Education Malaysia

Distribution of course schedule and other materials.

Lecture: Why the policy change? The implications of the policy change.

Tutorial: Examining the various literature syllabi. 10 minutes group presentation of the aims, objectives and the texts.


National Policy on English Literature Ministry of Education Malaysia

·         Rational for the study of lit

·         Value of studying lit

·         Aims & Objectives of the Lit syllabi in the Malaysian curriculum

·         Contemporary Lit for Primary School

·         Lower Secondary

·         SPM STPM Elective 

·         Identifying the texts

Identifying the aims and objectives of the literature component in the syllabus


Working with the literature :

Different models of teaching literature in class               

Assigned literary texts and reading of specific theories 


Key areas in the study of literature

Analyse: Issues, Conflicts

S.Story- Of Bunga Telur and Bally Shoes

           The Drovers Wife

Novel-Jungle of Hope


Si Tenggang’s Homecoming*

There’s been a death in the house

Lake Isle of Innisfree


Working with the literature component and ways of reading

Language based approaches to literature

S.Story The Pencil

              How Dalat Got its Name

Poetry – The Dead Crow

               Lake Isle of Innisfree

Novel      Potato People

                Robinson Crusoe



Working with the literature component and ways of reading

Language based approaches to literature

S.Story: Looking for Rain God

              The Necklace

Poetry: Life’s Brief candle

             There’s been a death in the opposite 


              Si tenggang’s homecoming


              The Pearl

               The Prisoner of Zenda



Working with the literature component and ways of reading

Post Colonial Approaches to literature

S.Story  The Sound Machine

               The Necklace


Poetry   If

              The Road Not taken

               Monsoon History


Novel  Robinson Crusoe

          The Pearl


Working with the literature component and ways of reading

Cultural/Ethnocentric reading perspectives



Poetry Sonnet 18

           The Dead Crow


Novel  The Return

           Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde



Working with the literature component and ways of reading

Gender Perspectives

S.Story  The Drover’s Wife

               Looking For Rain God


Poetry  The Road Not taken

             There’s been a death in the house



Novel  The Return

          Jungle of Hope


Theories in teaching literature

Reader Response Schema Theory


S.Story  The Sound Machine

              How Dalat Got its Name


Poetry Monsoon History

           The Dead Crow


Novel: Potato People

          Phantom of the Opera


Creativity in the Literature Classroom

Working with “Hot Potato”


Creativity in the Literature Classroom

Working with “Hot Potato”


Micro teaching



Creative Presentation



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